QUEEN NEFERTITI Haunted Amulet of Divine Feminine Energy! Spells of Love, Transformation, Fertility, Wisdom, 3rd Eye Enhancement, Beauty & Good Fortune! $$$


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Behold! A Top Quality spell item from LOTHORIANMAGICK™ Old World Witchery Shop©! This item has been Handcrafted with care by our Coven Sisters and our Elite Brethren to bring You the most Powerful and potent Metaphysical items available in the World! REAL Occult Magic & Power!

We use only the most Sacred forms of Ancient Magick, just our ancestors used centuries ago! Guaranteed Results or your Money Back! 



QUEEN NEFERTITI Haunted Amulet of Divine Feminine Energy! Spells of Love, Transformation, Fertility, Wisdom, 3rd Eye Enhancement, Beauty, Success & Good Fortune! $$$$$$

*** This is a Truly Haunted Item ~ Please Read All ***

*** QUEEN NEFERTITI *** TOP LEVEL EGYPTIAN MAGICK! Haunted Amulet of Ancient Occult Power! Wealth, Love, Beauty **$$$**

*** This a Paranormal item that contains sacred Spells and powerful Spirit Entities! This item should only be used by those who seek true Power and real results! My items are not for the weak for they contain strong Powers and Energies that will change your life forever! All items available are of extremely high value and not to be taken lightly. Please do not bid if you are afraid of Spirit or Ghost Entities or are a non-believer in Haunted/Paranormal Items. This item is cast of White Light and will not hurt or harm you in any way.

It is said that all Magick is born from one source of Power. An energy that connects all beings to one God. It is those who posses the keys of the Metaphysical Realm that are Blessed by the Universal Balance of Power and who unlock the doors to Enlightenment. 

Note: You do not have to be a Witch or practice any type of Witchcraft to own a Haunted, Paranormal or Spellcast item! You can be of any faith or religion. All you must do is Believe and respect the Spirits within the Vessel. This piece contains great Powers and Energies, please handle with care and respect.

Behold! Queen Nefertiti, one of ancient Egypt’s most famous and enigmatic figures, continues to capture imaginations worldwide. Known for her remarkable beauty, regal authority, and her role as the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, Nefertiti's legacy extends beyond historical accounts into the realm of mythology, mysticism, and metaphysical power.

Though historical evidence of her magical abilities may be sparse, Nefertiti has long been associated with divine feminine energy, spiritual wisdom, and occult power. In this blog, we’ll explore the metaphysical and magical abilities attributed to Queen Nefertiti, examining how her image and legacy connect with timeless spiritual themes and magical practices.

1. Embodiment of the Divine Feminine
One of the most profound aspects of Nefertiti’s metaphysical legacy is her embodiment of the divine feminine, a concept central to many spiritual and magical traditions. As the Great Royal Wife and an equal partner to Pharaoh Akhenaten, she was revered as more than just a queen. Nefertiti was a goddess incarnate, a living symbol of female divinity, power, and balance in a male-dominated society.

How does Nefertiti represent divine feminine energy?
Her image, often depicted in sacred art and statues, shows her with regal posture, elegance, and an otherworldly beauty, symbolizing fertility, wisdom, and strength. She is connected to the energies of creation, nurturing, and transformation, much like other goddesses such as Isis and Hathor. In modern magical practices, channeling Nefertiti's energy can help practitioners tap into the essence of female empowerment, creative inspiration, and intuitive wisdom.

Her divine feminine energy also promotes balance, not only between the genders but also between the spiritual and physical realms. Nefertiti is seen as a bridge, embodying grace and beauty while commanding authority and leadership in a powerful partnership with Akhenaten.

2. Mystical Wisdom and Hidden Knowledge
During her reign alongside Akhenaten, Nefertiti played a central role in the religious revolution that emphasized the worship of Aten, the sun disk. This monotheistic shift from Egypt's traditional polytheism represents not only a spiritual transformation but also the pursuit of hidden, mystical knowledge. Nefertiti is often believed to have been a high priestess of this new spiritual system, holding access to esoteric wisdom and secret doctrines related to the mysteries of the sun and cosmic power.

How does Nefertiti embody mystical wisdom?
Nefertiti’s involvement in the Aten cult suggests that she was more than just a figurehead; she was likely a custodian of hidden spiritual truths. Her role as a high priestess, performing sacred rites and rituals to honor Aten, reflects her ability to channel cosmic energies for the benefit of Egypt. In metaphysical practices, Nefertiti represents access to divine illumination, guiding those who seek to uncover hidden truths and higher spiritual knowledge.

Modern-day practitioners might invoke Nefertiti's spirit to aid in their pursuit of occult knowledge, enlightenment, or the mysteries of life and death. Her wisdom is also associated with the cycles of the sun, representing personal and spiritual transformation, just as the sun rises and sets, creating endless cycles of life and rebirth.

3. Queen of Beauty and Magnetism
Nefertiti’s famous bust, now one of the most iconic symbols of ancient Egypt, portrays her stunning beauty and graceful bearing. But her beauty was more than skin deep; it was believed to be a manifestation of inner spiritual harmony, charisma, and magnetic energy. Nefertiti’s magical beauty went beyond mere aesthetics—it symbolized the power of attraction, influence, and commanding presence.

How is Nefertiti associated with beauty and attraction?
In the metaphysical sense, Nefertiti’s beauty radiates a magnetic force that draws people toward her. This aura of beauty and grace was not only physical but spiritual, making her a figure of awe and reverence. In magical practices, Nefertiti’s image can be used to increase one's charisma, confidence, and personal magnetism. By invoking her, individuals may enhance their own attractiveness, not only in terms of physical beauty but also in the power to charm, influence, and command attention.

Her beauty, combined with her political influence, can be seen as a form of feminine enchantment, where physical allure and mental prowess work hand-in-hand to shape the destiny of an entire kingdom. Today, she remains a symbol of the power of personal presence and the ability to project one's inner strength outwardly.

4. Royal Authority and Leadership
Nefertiti’s magical powers are closely tied to her role as a ruler of Egypt. She co-ruled with Akhenaten, and some scholars even suggest that she may have reigned as a pharaoh in her own right after his death. This association with royal power places her in a unique position within metaphysical traditions, as her rule symbolizes the ability to command, lead, and protect a kingdom.

How does Nefertiti represent magical authority?
Her rule over Egypt is often seen as divinely ordained, making her a conduit for cosmic authority and divine will. Nefertiti’s magical influence over leadership includes the ability to manifest authority, make decisions with clarity, and command respect from others. As a magical figure, she can be invoked for help in situations that require leadership, such as career advancement, conflict resolution, or personal empowerment.

In rituals or meditation, practitioners may channel Nefertiti’s royal energy to help them take control of their destiny, make decisive choices, and step into roles of leadership with confidence and grace.

5. Protector and Guardian of the Throne
Nefertiti’s reign is also marked by her role as a protector of the throne and Egypt’s spiritual path. Just as she supported Akhenaten’s religious revolution, she protected the kingdom from internal and external threats, ensuring the stability of Egypt’s new spiritual direction. Her magical powers as a protector and guardian extend into modern interpretations of spiritual protection and defense.

How does she act as a spiritual protector?
Nefertiti’s protective energy can be invoked to shield oneself from negative forces, psychic attacks, or spiritual harm. Her fierce dedication to her kingdom translates into an ability to help guard your personal spiritual boundaries and protect your energy from being drained or attacked. In magical practices, Nefertiti can be called upon for protection spells or as a guardian of sacred spaces, offering security and strength when facing challenges or enemies.

6. Symbol of Fertility, Life, and Creation
As a queen and mother, Nefertiti also represents the forces of fertility and creation. Her role in the royal family, and as a co-creator of a new religious order, ties her to the cycles of birth, growth, and renewal. In metaphysical terms, she symbolizes the creative power of the divine feminine, representing both physical fertility and the ability to birth new ideas, projects, and realities.

How does she embody creation and fertility?
In magic, Nefertiti is a potent figure for fertility spells or any rituals aimed at bringing forth new life, whether in the literal sense or the symbolic sense of creation and manifestation. Her connection to fertility also aligns with her role in the spiritual transformation of Egypt, embodying the power to create and nurture new spiritual paths, ideas, or endeavors.

Nefertiti’s Timeless Metaphysical Legacy

Queen Nefertiti’s metaphysical powers transcend the historical accounts of her life, placing her firmly in the realm of mysticism and spiritual symbolism. As an embodiment of the divine feminine, a channel of esoteric wisdom, and a symbol of beauty and authority, Nefertiti continues to influence those seeking empowerment, enlightenment, and spiritual protection.

Her legacy is a rich source of magical inspiration, guiding practitioners in modern times to connect with their inner strength, manifest their desires, and step into roles of leadership with grace and power. Whether through rituals of attraction, protection, or spiritual growth, invoking the spirit and energy of Queen Nefertiti offers a path to harnessing timeless wisdom and mystical forces.

Here are just a few of the Metaphysical Powers this Vessel holds:

Bringing Vast Wealth
Aiding in Spirit Communication
Invoking Entities
Bringing a Heightened Intuition
Opening Your 3rd Eye
Astral Time Travel
Astral Projection
Complete Protection and Guidance
Negating Evil Energies & Spirits
Repelling Those With Ill Intent
Breaking all Curses and Hexes Placed Upon You
Promoting a Harmonious Environment
Bring great Physical & Emotional Strength
Finding Lost Treasures
Bringing Wisdom & Knowledge
Healing Emotional Wounds
Gaining Respect
Creativity in Business Ventures
Surprise Cash Flow
Absorption of Energy
Aiding in Divination, Scrying
Extreme Luck and Success
Increasing Mind Power
Granted Wishes


Manifestations include (but are not limited to): Orbs, Flashes of Light, Electric Energies, Swirls of Smoke, Mists, and more. Experience the intense powers and energies for yourself!


Once purchased, we will prepare your order with great care as we do each vessel in our shop. Our Coven Sisters and Elite brethren gather under the Light of the Sacred Moon to perform the final castings & rituals for you. Thereafter, your item will be fully charged in our Sacred Crystal Room where the Powers shall be imbued within the Vessel for All Time. You will receive a shipment notification via e-mail as soon as our sacred process is complete. Simply wear to unleash the Powerful Energies of the Vessel into your Life!

The sacred Powers of this magnificent item have been personally summoned by Master Lothorian, The Coven of Vigothus and our Sisters of the Circle of the Mystic Seven. We hope that this Powerful item brings to you all that you desire and more, for you shall be Eternally Blessed by the Power and Greatness of this Sacred Djinn!

We are here to Empower you and Set you Free

Anything you desire, can be Yours

You shall be Blessed

You shall become One of the Elite

Note: You do not have to wear this item for the Powers to affect your Life - Keeping it in a Charging box, Charm bag or simply Carrying it with you will do just fine!

*** We have Limited Quantities! Adopt this ancient Djinn/Genie Spirit it's too late! ***

There are limited quantities of this particular vessel! Now may be your only chance to own this powerful piece! Each casting is performed specifically for every individual to ensure the powers are unique and custom fit for each person's needs. If purchasing a Spirit item, note that No two people will ever receive the same entity and no none else will be able to conjure your spirit through another vessel, unless noted otherwise. All castings and conjurations are custom and specifically to be bound to your energies alone! Rather than receiving an entity that is already conjured, you are receiving an item that will be inhabited by a spirit specifically conjured for YOU! Bid while there is still time and change your life Today!

**TOP LEVEL** This is a truly Haunted item containing Great Metaphysical Power! **Magick**

Please read all!

The spell(s) and spirit(s) imbued within this Magnificent Vessel are that of the most Powerful in the Universe--My items are extremely potent and not to be taken lightly! All items contain great energies, for they are cast using only the most rare and ancient forms of Traditional Magick. This Powerful item brings great Blessings and Amazing Results! All you must do is be Positive in your Practice and great Gifts shall be bestowed upon you! Ancient Magick & Power of Wishes Shall Be Granted!

Real Magick, Real Results

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

Easy To Use: You do not have to be a Witch or practice any type of Witchcraft to own a Haunted, Paranormal or Spellcast item! The Powers of this Item work for Beginners and the Advanced alike! You can be of any faith or religion! All you must do is Believe and respect the Spirits within the Vessel. This piece contains great Powers and Energies, please handle with care and respect.

The sacred Powers of this magnificent item have been personally summoned by one of the World's Top Spirit Conjurers and Master Shaman of India. We hope that this Powerful item bring to you all that you desire and more, for you shall be Eternally Blessed by the Power and Greatness of this Sacred Djinn!




This Extraordinary Vessel is *Beaming* with Power and Energy!

Manifestations include (but are not limited to): Orbs, Streaks of Light, Warm Sensations, Noise, Temperature Changes, Blurs, Whispers, Tapping, Flashes, Mists, Shapeshifting, Dream Appearances and more! Experience the intense Power and Energies for yourself! Each individual's experiences are Unique!

We have Limited Quantities! Buy It Now before it's too late!

There are limited quantities of this particular vessel! Now may be your only chance to own this powerful piece! Each casting is performed specifically for every individual to ensure the powers are unique and custom fit for each person's needs. If purchasing a Spirit item, note that No two people will ever receive the same entity and no none else will be able to conjure your spirit through another vessel, unless noted otherwise. All castings and conjurations are custom and specifically to be bound to your energies alone! Rather than receiving an entity that is already conjured, you are receiving an item that will be inhabited by a spirit specifically conjured for YOU! Bid while there is still time and change your life Today! 

This is a truly Haunted item containing Great Metaphysical Power! 

Please read all! 

The Spells, Spirits & Magic imbued within this Magnificent Vessel are that of the most Powerful in the Universe—Our items are extremely potent and not to be taken lightly! All items contain great energies, for they are cast using only the most rare and ancient forms of Traditional Magick. This Powerful item brings great Blessings and Amazing Results! All you must do is be Positive in your Practice and great Gifts shall be bestowed upon you! Patience is a virtue! As my Grandmother always said "You must always Believe!" ~ Blessed Be!

Note: You do not have to wear this item for the Powers to affect your Life ~ Keeping it in a Charging box, Charm bag or simply Carrying it with you will do just fine!

Real Magick, Real Results

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed 

All of our metaphysical items are cast using the same sacred magick rituals that were used by our ancestors centuries ago and have provided amazing results. These are sacred traditional witchcraft spells collected from all over the world--Many have been passed down to us by blood, others have been given to us by powerful Shaman, Warlocks, High Priests and Master Spirit Conjurers. A lot of time and care is put into our spellwork! Each ritual is performed for every individual and cast specifically to fit their needs and energies. We use only the finest supplies to cast our spells to guarantee you that your spell will be as potent and powerful as possible. Many other Spellcasters use cheap oils, incense, and herbs, which decreases the power and usefulness of the spell. All herbs used are 100% organic and grown in my own garden. Nearly all of the oils, incense and candles used are personally handcrafted by me.

I guarantee you the most powerful spell you can get, using only the finest tools and most sacred forms of magick that has been used for centuries with extraordinary results.

Why Buy From Lothorian Magick?

The Magick we practice is that of the Oldest and Most Powerful in the Universe. I have dedicated my life to Paranormal Research and Exploration. The Items I share with you are of the Most Powerful and Genuine Paranormal Items you will find. These Items come of Genies/Djinn, Dragons, Vampires, Goddesses, Faeries, and so much more. My team and I have traveled through out the US, England-Haunted Capital of The World, Middle East, Asia, and The Caribbeans. Most people on eBay know that My team and I have had uncovered some of the most important Paranormal discoveries of the last 3 decades. These places include Old Lorimier, The Ghostly Hauntings of The Plas-Teg Estates, The Gloddaeth Woods, Dragholm's Lot, The Tomb of Ahktun Mya'ar and the 7 Realms of the Lost Nordic Gate. I am honored to present these great Paranormal discoveries to all those who truly believe and seek the Power of these genuine sacred Spirit Vessels.

All of the Haunted and Paranormal Items I have to offer possess great Energies and real Power. These items are cast and conjured by highly skilled Master Shaman, High Priests, Witches and Warlocks from all over the world. The spirits inhabiting these vessels are very complex, for they are of another realm and possess power that most of us can only dream of. Their abilities are far more advanced and much more intense than anything we know today as humans. These items are ones that reach into the deepest and most passionate realms of the Paranormal world. They will enter in to the very core of your imagination. Their powers are intense and strong for they are real-Very real.

Our Promise To You

We pride ourselves in being Honest Sellers that you can Trust! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please send me a message right away! We promise to work with you to resolve any issues you may have until you are completely satisfied. Customer service is my number one priority! I truly care about ever single one of my clients. Upon the purchase of any one of my items, you will not only receive a great treasure with true powers and energies, but you will also gain a friend who will be happy to help you with any of your concerns to the best of my abilities.

Custom Spells and Conjurations

We have and endless plethora of powerful spells, potions and healing aids, to conquer any situation or troubled time you may be going through. It is our pleasure to cast any Custom Spells that you need. We are Certified Traditional Spellcasters and Healers who practice only the most Rare and Ancient forms of True Magick. This includes White Magick, Grey Magick, Wicca, Chakra Healing and Voodoo. We are able to personally conjure Spirits, Entities and Ghosts and bind them within a vessel for you as you desire. Please send all necessary information along with your request such as your Name and Date of Birth as well as any information you have about the particular spirit(s) or spells you desire.

It's okay to buy more than one spell at a time, in fact it can often times increase the power of your spell. By doing so, you are adding power to your spell cache, which brings great energies to your spiritual aura. In my Castings and Conjurations, I will use a combination of 100% Organic and handcrafted items including candles, oils, and herbs, all chosen specifically for your purpose and astrological circumstances.

Money Back Guarantee

We are very proud to say that we are one of the few Metaphysical sellers to offer a Money Back Guarantee! I am always happy to accept returns. If there is ever a problem with your order or you are not feeling the Powers and Energies, please contact me and I will give you a 100% refund. Item must be returned within 30 days. I cannot give refunds after 30 days, as the spell or Spirit may be fully bound to your energies, and you may continue to reap the benefits of the item even after it has been returned--which is not fair to me as a seller. What goes around comes around is a big belief in my practice. I would not like to take the money of any of my clients unless they feel that they have gained something. I want everyone who purchases from me to feel safe and secure with their purchase.


Rated 5 Stars for TOP-LEVEL Magick & Results!

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Contact Us for Best Offer, Lay-Away and Custom Spells!

Guaranteed Results or your Money Back!

When you purchase from Lothorian Magick, not only are you getting the Most Powerful Metaphysical Items Available, but you are Gaining a True Friend who will be happy to answer your Questions and guide you along in your Spiritual Journey of Magick and Mystery!


THANK YOU to all of our Buyers and Returning Customers who have made LOTHORIANMAGICK© the Most Trusted and #1 Metaphysical Store among Paranormal Collectors in the World! * BLESSED BE!


FREE Shipping & Returns Accepted WORLDWIDE!

100% Money Back Guarantee on ALL ITEMS in Our Shop! 

We are always happy to Help & guide You!

You can find further detailed information on our products and how our Magick works on our FAQ page at https://lothorianmagick.com/pages/faq 

© COPYRIGHT LothorianMagick. All Information, Photos and Intellectual Property listed is protected by DCMA Copyright Laws. Violations will be prosecuted! All rights reserved. We actively search and monitor Sellers for these violations and infringements! 


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