** PAGAN GODDESS ** Youth, Beauty, Love & Wealth! *** Haunted Djinn of Wishes! Have all you Desire! GOOD FORTUNE, Luck & Money! $$$ Haunted Gypsy Spell Ring!
Behold! A Top Quality spell item from LOTHORIANMAGICK™ Old World Witchery Shop©! This item has been Handcrafted with care by our Coven Sisters and our Elite Brethren to bring You the most Powerful and potent Metaphysical items available in the World! REAL Occult Magic & Power!
We use only the most Sacred forms of Ancient Magick, just our ancestors used centuries ago! Guaranteed Results or your Money Back!
**Haunted Djinn/Genie Ring of Youth, Beauty, Love & Wealth! Magic & Blessings! Jinniyah Vessel of Good Fortune! Have all You Desire!
*** AMAZING Metaphysical Energy! Witches' Magick! ***

This Gorgeous Magickal Genie Ring is imbued with the Highest and Most Sacred Powers of the Universal Balance to bring to you all that you Desire and More! Gain Everlasting Youth, Beauty, Eternal Love and Exponential Wealth! All that you need in your Life to feel Complete shall become Yours! The Benevolent Powers of this Mystical Item will fill your Soul with 100% Pure White Light Energies conjured from the 5th Gate of the Heavens Paradox to bring Ultimate Happiness and Eternal Freedom! This item brings Unparalleled Blessings to both Men and Women alike! You do not have to wear this Item for the Powers to affect your Life, for It's Powers are Strong and will never fade!
This Exquisite Vessel contains a Glorious Wish-Granting Genie of the Highest Class and Power that will Help and Guide you along the Way! She will Bless you with her Sacred Power and Bring to you All that you Desire! There is no Wish that she cannot handle! Anything you ask for shall Manifest before You! Watch as your Life is Transformed before your Eyes! This item is cast with Hundreds of Ancient Magick Spells performed by Top Warlocks and Spirit Conjurers! This Beautiful Jinniyah will be summoned by Free will from the Benevolent Forces of the Portal of Light! Her Powers are Conjured for each individual and tailored to fit Your specific Needs! She will not hurt or Harm you in any Way, for she will be your Friend, Protector and Guiding Spirit! All Wishes will be Granted!
The Magick of this Magnificent Ring holds the Power to Completely Change your Life! Restore your Youth and Stop the aging Process! Transform Your Appearance and Gain the Body & Look you Desire! Restore Your Self-Confidence and Feel Great about Yourself! Banish all Negativity Surrounding you and Reap all of the Benefits the Universe has to Offer you! Repel any Force that may be holding you back from Achieving your Dreams! Find True Love and Attract Anyone you Desire! Banish all Stress and Worry over Financial Debt -Good Luck and Prosperity will be imbued into all areas of your Life! Gain Exponential Powers of Wealth and Never Worry about Money again! Now is the Time to Transform your Life - Don't let another minute slip by!

Gain All Desires by the Sacred Power of the Goddess ~ Your Life can be Exactly what you Want it to Be

This Vessel is Blessed by the Mystical Waters of the Fountain of Youth and holds the Power to make you Look and Feel Years – Even Decades - Younger! Restore your Youth and Reverse the aging Process! Eliminate Wrinkles, Tighten Skin and Restore Bone Density! Its Ancient Powers reverse the aging process of the Mind and Spirit while it Restores your Energy and your Zest for Life! Never Grow Old Again! Soon you will be feeling Younger and Happier than ever Before!
The Sacred Magick of this Ring radiates Positive Energy outward making you appear More Beautiful to Everyone who sees You! You will re-gain your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth, bringing True Outer Beauty as well as Inner Beauty! Gain Healthy, Glowing, Beautiful Skin! Lose Weight and Firm Skin! Have the Perfect Toned Body you have always Dreamed of! Banish Scars, Stretch Marks, Acne, Age Spots, Sun Damage or Any other physical Flaws you feel you Possess! Men can Reverse Hair Loss, Restore Muscle mass, and boost Testosterone Levels! Women can Re-charge their Estrogen Levels to reverse Menopause, making it possible to have Children later in Life (If Desired)! Have Silky, Shiny, Smooth Hair and Beautiful Nails! This Spell will allow you to Look & Feel like the Person you have always wanted to Be!
The ring is Fully Charged with a Magnetic Energy that allows you to attract any one you Desire! Use it's Power to attract Many Lovers, Re-Unite with your Ex, or Discover your true Soul Mate. The Sacred Powers of Love imbued within this piece will conjure your Twin Flame and bind your True Love to you forever! Repair your Marriage or Relationship - Rekindle the Spark you two once shared. Your lover will be overwhelmed with Burning Desire for you and your touch! The Magick in this Ring will re-ignite your own Erotic Passion allowing you to Experience total Ecstasy Beyond your Wildest Fantasies!
The Ring has been Blessed with a Master Wealth Spell to bring you all the Wealth, Prosperity and Material Abundance you need to Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest! Gain Ultimate Success in Business Ventures and secure your Finances! Banish Debt and Multiply your Income! This magnificent Talisman pure Green Magick energies that create, draw and store Good Luck and Blessings where ever you go! Imbued with one of the Oldest and Most Sacred Spells on the Earth, this item Protects you from Bad Luck, Curses, Hexes, Negative Energies and Dark Forces that wish to do Harm. Your Fortune will be Safe and Secure! Never worry about Money again!

This Magnificent Genie Ring of Youth, Beauty, Love and Wealth provides you with all you need to live a Happy and Fulfilling life! Don't spend your time watching Others get ahead in life - Take Control and have all you Desire! The Results are Limitless!

Here are just a few of the Metaphysical Powers this Vessel holds:
Exponential Wealth and Material Abundance!
Brings out Inner Beauty & Self-Confidence!
Financial Freedom & Security!
Success in All Ventures!
Eternal Youth and Beauty!
Gain Peace, Balance & Stability!
Ignite Passion and Sexual Advancement!
Health and Healing!
Blessings of Creativity, Inspiration and Knowledge!
Turn Negative Energy Into Positive Energy!
Repel Dark Energies and Banish them entirely!
Erase your Bad Karma & Cleanse your Aura!
Gain True Inner and Outer Beauty!
Attract and Many Lovers as you Wish, Rekindle a Romance, or Find your Soul Mate!
Overcome Obstacles & Become Grounded!
Ultimate Protection and Guidance!
Granted Wishes!
Manifestations include (but are not limited to): Flashes of Light, Temperature Changes, Warming Sensations, Orbs, Whispers. The energies you will experience are like none other! Feel the POWER for yourself! This Genie communicates best via telepathy, pendulum, and subliminal thoughts.!

The sacred Powers of this magnificent item have been personally summoned by one of the World's Top Spirit Conjurers and Master Shaman of India. We hope that this Powerful item bring to you all that you desire and more, for you shall be Eternally Blessed by the Power and Greatness of this Sacred Djinn!
This Extraordinary Vessel is *Beaming* with Power and Energy!
Manifestations include (but are not limited to): Orbs, Streaks of Light, Warm Sensations, Noise, Temperature Changes, Blurs, Whispers, Tapping, Flashes, Mists, Shapeshifting, Dream Appearances and more! Experience the intense Power and Energies for yourself! Each individual's experiences are Unique!
Easy To Use: You do not have to be a Witch or practice any type of Witchcraft to own a Haunted, Paranormal or Spellcast item! The Powers of this Item work for Beginners and the Advanced alike! You can be of any faith or religion! All you must do is Believe and respect the Spirits within the Vessel. This piece contains great Powers and Energies, please handle with care and respect.

We have Limited Quantities! Buy It Now before it's too late!
There are limited quantities of this particular vessel! Now may be your only chance to own this powerful piece! Each casting is performed specifically for every individual to ensure the powers are unique and custom fit for each person's needs. If purchasing a Spirit item, note that No two people will ever receive the same entity and no none else will be able to conjure your spirit through another vessel, unless noted otherwise. All castings and conjurations are custom and specifically to be bound to your energies alone! Rather than receiving an entity that is already conjured, you are receiving an item that will be inhabited by a spirit specifically conjured for YOU! Bid while there is still time and change your life Today!

This is a truly Haunted item containing Great Metaphysical Power!
Please read all!
The Spells, Spirits & Magic imbued within this Magnificent Vessel are that of the most Powerful in the Universe—Our items are extremely potent and not to be taken lightly! All items contain great energies, for they are cast using only the most rare and ancient forms of Traditional Magick. This Powerful item brings great Blessings and Amazing Results! All you must do is be Positive in your Practice and great Gifts shall be bestowed upon you! Patience is a virtue! As my Grandmother always said "You must always Believe!" ~ Blessed Be!
Note: You do not have to wear this item for the Powers to affect your Life ~ Keeping it in a Charging box, Charm bag or simply Carrying it with you will do just fine!

Real Magick, Real Results
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

All of our metaphysical items are cast using the same sacred magick rituals that were used by our ancestors centuries ago and have provided amazing results. These are sacred traditional witchcraft spells collected from all over the world--Many have been passed down to us by blood, others have been given to us by powerful Shaman, Warlocks, High Priests and Master Spirit Conjurers. A lot of time and care is put into our spellwork! Each ritual is performed for every individual and cast specifically to fit their needs and energies. We use only the finest supplies to cast our spells to guarantee you that your spell will be as potent and powerful as possible. Many other Spellcasters use cheap oils, incense, and herbs, which decreases the power and usefulness of the spell. All herbs used are 100% organic and grown in my own garden. Nearly all of the oils, incense and candles used are personally handcrafted by me.
I guarantee you the most powerful spell you can get, using only the finest tools and most sacred forms of magick that has been used for centuries with extraordinary results.

Why Buy From Lothorian Magick?
The Magick we practice is that of the Oldest and Most Powerful in the Universe. I have dedicated my life to Paranormal Research and Exploration. The Items I share with you are of the Most Powerful and Genuine Paranormal Items you will find. These Items come of Genies/Djinn, Dragons, Vampires, Goddesses, Faeries, and so much more. My team and I have traveled through out the US, England-Haunted Capital of The World, Middle East, Asia, and The Caribbeans. Most people on eBay know that My team and I have had uncovered some of the most important Paranormal discoveries of the last 3 decades. These places include Old Lorimier, The Ghostly Hauntings of The Plas-Teg Estates, The Gloddaeth Woods, Dragholm's Lot, The Tomb of Ahktun Mya'ar and the 7 Realms of the Lost Nordic Gate. I am honored to present these great Paranormal discoveries to all those who truly believe and seek the Power of these genuine sacred Spirit Vessels.
All of the Haunted and Paranormal Items I have to offer possess great Energies and real Power. These items are cast and conjured by highly skilled Master Shaman, High Priests, Witches and Warlocks from all over the world. The spirits inhabiting these vessels are very complex, for they are of another realm and possess power that most of us can only dream of. Their abilities are far more advanced and much more intense than anything we know today as humans. These items are ones that reach into the deepest and most passionate realms of the Paranormal world. They will enter in to the very core of your imagination. Their powers are intense and strong for they are real-Very real.
Our Promise To You
We pride ourselves in being Honest Sellers that you can Trust! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please send me a message right away! We promise to work with you to resolve any issues you may have until you are completely satisfied. Customer service is my number one priority! I truly care about ever single one of my clients. Upon the purchase of any one of my items, you will not only receive a great treasure with true powers and energies, but you will also gain a friend who will be happy to help you with any of your concerns to the best of my abilities.
Custom Spells and Conjurations
We have and endless plethora of powerful spells, potions and healing aids, to conquer any situation or troubled time you may be going through. It is our pleasure to cast any Custom Spells that you need. We are Certified Traditional Spellcasters and Healers who practice only the most Rare and Ancient forms of True Magick. This includes White Magick, Grey Magick, Wicca, Chakra Healing and Voodoo. We are able to personally conjure Spirits, Entities and Ghosts and bind them within a vessel for you as you desire. Please send all necessary information along with your request such as your Name and Date of Birth as well as any information you have about the particular spirit(s) or spells you desire.
It's okay to buy more than one spell at a time, in fact it can often times increase the power of your spell. By doing so, you are adding power to your spell cache, which brings great energies to your spiritual aura. In my Castings and Conjurations, I will use a combination of 100% Organic and handcrafted items including candles, oils, and herbs, all chosen specifically for your purpose and astrological circumstances.
Money Back Guarantee
We are very proud to say that we are one of the few Metaphysical sellers to offer a Money Back Guarantee! I am always happy to accept returns. If there is ever a problem with your order or you are not feeling the Powers and Energies, please contact me and I will give you a 100% refund. Item must be returned within 30 days. I cannot give refunds after 30 days, as the spell or Spirit may be fully bound to your energies, and you may continue to reap the benefits of the item even after it has been returned--which is not fair to me as a seller. What goes around comes around is a big belief in my practice. I would not like to take the money of any of my clients unless they feel that they have gained something. I want everyone who purchases from me to feel safe and secure with their purchase.

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